So I did it...I made the phone call today. I have my first appointment set up for Monday morning at 8:30 to meet with Dr. Bell about my best course of action to having my surgery in March. I have some mixed emotions going on. I'm very excited, but on the other hand I'm very nervous. There are things with this surgery that I have never experienced before. Some of those things include being put completely under by anesthesia. The only anesthesia I've ever had is a epidural when I had c-sections for my kids. I'm not worried about the actually surgery part. I'm also nervous for my husband. Every time I've ever been in surgery he has been in the room with me. This will be the first time he has to sit in the waiting room, waiting to hear from the dr. I've done it before with him, and I swear the time moves slower when you don't know anything. Luckily, we have friends who have been in our shoes recently, and they will be here to support us and guide us along the way.
This isn't just my journey. It's his too. Yea he's not the one having the procedure, but he does have to worry about me. And there are so many things to worry about. But when the time comes for surgery, we're going to just give it to God. I know he will watch out for me. In fact, I've given this whole process to God. I have been praying about this option since Dr. Bell first came to town. I can't wait to get this show on the road!!
Hey!! We'll both be shedding our bellies in March!! Only you'll get to sleep when your's is over and I'll never sleep again ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou will get to sleep again.. it may be 18 years from now, but you will sleep again.. :)