Countdown to Disney

Sunday, August 14, 2011


So just sitting here with nothing else to do right now except the dishes so I thought I would get my starting measurements. My life is going to change very soon, either because of the Biggest Loser or gastric bypass.. so as of August 14, 2011 here are my starting measurements:
  • Waist -- 53 inches
  • Hip -- 64 inches
  • Abdomen -- 53.5 inches
  • Bust -- 57.5 inches
  • Bra Size -- 46G
  • Upper Arm -- 17.25 inches
  • Neck -- 16.75 inches
  • Thigh -- 30.5 inches
  • Calf -- 19.25 inches
  • Shoe size -- 7.5 - 8
  • Pant size -- 24-26
  • Shirt Size -- 3xl
So yea I'm a big girl. I actually was looking around the internet a little while ago, and found out that I actually have a medium-small frame according to some measurements. I just don't look small because I have so much extra fat. According to one calculator, I have 79% body fat.. Can you imagine what I will look like if I can get that number down to the 30s or 20s... I am so pumped! I realistically hope I can go to a size medium shirt and size 8-10 pants. Anything better than that is just gravy... The hubby and I are going to start hitting the gym every morning after the girls go to school. I'm going to start my workout regimen now so it's easier to get into either on the tv show, or after my surgery. I am trying to lose about 30-40 lbs before surgery. I'm not sure what is required with my dr, but the more I lose, the easier the surgery will be. It will reduce the size of my liver and make my recovery that much better. So tomorrow is Monday and a new day at that. It's time to start working towards my 30lbs.

1 comment:

  1. I guess I need to do this least I'll know my starting point! I don't have a small or medium frame!!! Starting tomorrow, I'm giving up coke forever!!!
