Countdown to Disney

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sorry for the delay!

Oh wow, what a crazy few months it's been! Sorry it's been a while since I updated. I guess work, and life got the best of me. So here I sit 16 weeks post op. I'm down right at 75 lbs.  I feel amazing! And since the New Year is upon us, I thought I would get my resolutions out there for everyone to see.

1) Run some 5ks. I already have 2 or 3 I'm looking a seriously doing. The first one being in April for the March of Dimes.

2) Become more organized. My house is terrible! I have junk every where that I just don't need. So on my days off I will be organizing each and every room of my house. I think I'm going to start with my kids bedrooms.

3) Be in my Bible more. I honestly don't read it enough.

4) Work out 4-5 times a week for at least an hour at a time...

5) Start a decent savings account. I found a neat little sheet and it's called the 52 week savings plan. Starting with week one, you deposit $1. Week 2 is $2 and so on...So I hope to have a nice little savings by the end of the year.

6) Work on my relationship with my husband. Lets face it who doesn't need to work on that? :)

Well I guess this is about it for now. I will update in a few days with my current weight, and measurements. Right now I need to go unpack from our vacation this last week!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm wanting to train for a 5k too!!!! We should do it together!!!
