Countdown to Disney

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Preop, preadmit, and 6 days. Oh my!

So today was my pre op appointment with Dr. Bell. It was about half an hour. Most of that was with the nurse going over what meds to take the morning of surgery and what to expect while in the hospital. Dr. Bell came in for about 10 minutes went over all my paper work, and asked if I had any questions. I didn't. So he said see ya Tuesday. I got my paperwork I needed for my appointment at the hospital and was on my way.
Next was my preadmit appointment at the hospital. They warn you it can take up to 2 hours to complete, depending on what tests the ordering Dr is asking for. In my case i needed an EKG, cbc, and chem-12. They will do a type and screen on the morning of surgery because they are only good for 72 hours. I signed all my consents for the procedure. I will also have an EGD after surgery so Dr. Bell can make sure everything looks good. The pre admit nurse went over what to expect, and again what meds to take and not to take before surgery. She also gave me some great recommendations about protein powders. After all the the paperwork was complete, she handed me the cleanser i needed to use the night before and the morning of surgery. Then i waz done. It did take the full 2 hours in my case, but i had to sign a bunch of paperwork before i even got to the preadmit area. I was done by 2 pm.

After i finished all my appointments, i went and picked up my paperwork for my leave. I have all of it to complete. But its nothing to major.

I can't believe i am down to 6 days!  That is just around the corner! I guess thats all of my update for today.

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