Countdown to Disney

Friday, March 30, 2012


Setbacks suck! I was not expecting to have to pay $3500 up front. I knew I would have to pay some, but what ever I didn't have available I figured I could just payroll deduct right? Just as long as they get their money... Nope.. They don't allow you to payroll deduct for this type of surgery. So now I have to come up with $2500. I have $1000... So if anyone has any ideas on how to make some extra cash I'm open for suggestions.. We are already planning a garage sale. And I'm going to start working a couple extra shifts to get some extra money. If we can get some more computers in the shop that will help too... So if you need your computer fixed please bring it to us!! :) 25 computers will give us the money to pay for the surgery! lol or if my facebook friends are so inclined, if each of them gave $10 to my cause  I would have enough to pay for it.. lol Ok sorry, I just have to have a little humour to keep from having a mental breakdown...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Oh wow!

Ok here I am it's Wednesday March 28, 2012. I just found out yesterday that surgery has been scheduled for April 10, 2012! That is in just 13 days! Holy Crow! So since I have two weeks I have decided to start being more diligent with my vitamins. I have moved all my vitamins to gummys, liquids, or sublingual. I have a pill case that I pull all the vitamins in with the exception of the liquids so I have them ready to go at any time. I'm very excited that surgery is in just a few short days. I am starting to get ready to come home. I have lots of clears ready. No sugar added Apple juice, white grape juice, light cranberry juice, broth (beef, chicken and veggie). I will get some popcicles and jello at the end of next week. I have 4 more days of work and then it's surgery time. I am so excited!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Nervous, Excited, Scared, Anxious...

Who knew that you could feel all of these emotions at once. I think it has been a long time coming for me. I just got word from my insurance company that ,pending a h. pylori breath test, I am approved for my surgery!! Holy cow I got approved on the first try! I wasn't really expecting it because I had heard from the office they were having problems getting BSA employees approved for it. But that didn't stop my process, it just made me work that much harder, and pray that much more that there would be no issues!

About the breath test, they are checking to see if this is really essential because I did have the blood test that came back negative. So the insurance nurse is talking to her director about if its really needed or not. I'm willing to do one last test before my surgery if that's what it takes! Now to just wait for my date...It's so close I can feel it now! It's actually becoming real!